That's great news! I thought you guys had thrown in the towel like so many of the rest of us. Let's keep the bees flying on Newfane Hill. I noticed they we're working hard here all summer even when it was drizzling and wondered where they were all coming from. Margaret
HONEY GARDENS, Ferrisburgh "Our vision embraces a commitment to working with the bees, supporting agriculture and encouraging a sustainable relationship as stewards of the earth." - Todd Hardie
DANCING BEE GARDENS, Middlebury "We believe in managing our hives in a manner that places the interests of the bees ahead of the personal interests of the beekeeper." - Ross Conrad
CHAMPLAIN VALLEY APIARIES, Middlebury This apiary was started in 1931 by Charles Mraz. His book, "Health and the Honey Bee," recounts his experiences with bee venom therapy. His grandson now operates the apiary.
SINGING CEDARS APIARIES, Orwell A Native Abenaki family founded and developed this business. Three generations participate in producing pure raw honey, a variety of related products and gift baskets, as well as Nucleus Colonies and Queens.
VBA membership and authorization is now required to view VBA's On-line Beekeeping Calendar by Steve Parise and other Management Tools. Go to: to join. Membership Fee: $15
Another guide is the Cornell University Master Beekeeper Program (Free Access for everyone). It suggests ten inspections each year offering general seasonal check-lists and information on control of specific pests and parasites. Cornell University Master Beekeeper Program
** Titles with asterisks are available at theDOVER FREE LIBRARY 22 Holland Road, Dover, VT 348-7488
** ABC and XYZ of Bee Culture ~ A.I. Root Bee Library
** Bees and beekeeping ~ A.V. Pavord
** Bees ~ Rudolf Steiner
** Complete Guide to Beekeeping ~ Roger Morse
** Natural Beekeeping ~ Ross Conrad
** World of Bees ~ Murray Hoyt
A Spring Without Bees - Michael Schacker (NEW book about CCD and the causes.)
Beekeeping for Dummies ~ Howland Blackiston
Bees Besieged ~ Bill Mares
Bible of Bee Venom Therapy ~ Bodog F Beck MD
Fruitless Fall - Rowan Jacobsen (Collapse of the Honey Bee and the Coming Agricultural Crisis) NEW Sept. 19
Health and the Honey Bee ~ Charles Mraz
Honey and Your Health ~ Bodog Beck and Doree Smedley
Me too! Another wet summer for us.
That's great news! I thought you guys had thrown in the towel like so many of the rest of us. Let's keep the bees flying on Newfane Hill. I noticed they we're working hard here all summer even when it was drizzling and wondered where they were all coming from.
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